Thursday, November 26, 2009


A note to all of my family, friends and acquaintances:

This may be a dark time for businesses and families across our blessed country as political and economic storms combine to dampen our spirits and steal our success and vitality. Decisions are made every day that make it more and more difficult for the people of our country to progress and even succeed. I feel deeply that we are coming to a crossroads as a country, and that the decisions we make as a people will have consequences beyond our ability to understand at this time.

Nonetheless, we stand firm in our faith, our principles, and our friendships; strong against the tempest, and we continue to press forward. We are so blessed! The last few weeks since Ashton was born have been a time for less sleep and more thought - and I cannot help but to be humbled before the wonder that is my life. I have an amazing wife, 3 beautiful boys, gainful employment, and you, my friends.

Today, I give thanks to you for the support, inspiration, and motivation that you provide me when I need it the most. My love goes out to you, and I thank God for the chance I have to associate with you all on a daily basis! May we all make memories of joy this week with those we come in contact with. May we all be grateful for the blessings that are bestowed on us. Thank you again for all that you do for me!

Happy Thanksgiving!



Emili said...

Happy Thanksgiving! We're thankful for you too. :)

♥ U!

CorayFam said...

What a GREAT post Ben!! Beautifully usual!! We hope you all had a WONDERFUL Thanksgiving!!! You guys are great!